LEMON GRASS ( fever grass ) Cymbopogon Citratus
Cymbopogon Citratus or Lemon Grass is a herbaceous perennial that comes to us from India and parts of Asia originally. There are many species of Cymbopogon including the one used for Citronella production (C. Nardus) and the Vietnamese variety frequently called Cochin grass (C. Flexousus) but today we are concerned with Cymbopogon Citratus.
Known by some people ( mainly in the Caribbean ) as Fever Grass... Lemon Grass is widely used as a tea or ingredient in mix tea. Helping to boost immunity and used to combat fever and anxiety, it is thought to reduce kidney and liver problems as well.
With its lemony scent and hint of rose aroma, Lemon Grass is an essential ingredient in Thai and other Asian cookery. Paracelsus (the Swiss Physician) considered it to be his most revered and favorite herb. it is used today not only in teas and culinary applications, but in body and skin care creations as well.
In Gullah Voodoo ( hoodoo ) it is used to make Vanvan oil (big in Hoodoo) as well as by itself as a spiritual cleansing agent for houses or structures and to protect against EVIL !
Easy to grow, it does not flower or bear fruit, and it is very invasive. Preferring sand and loam with a tolerance for lightly alkaline soil, it prefers slightly acidic soil. Great for courtyard and patios the leaves are scented and have nice texture.