FREE Plant Seeds - And How To Get Them
Are you someone who would send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope if you could get free seeds to grow ? YES ? Then this post is for you !
Huge amounts of money are made every year in the seed industry. If you just look at the market for home growers.... like seeds sold by Burpee seed co. or Johnny's seeds or a number of other companies that sell seeds in places like Home Depot, Lowes, or Ace is a huge, big money industry. But there are seed available that don't cost anything other than a stamp and a envelope......good seeds, Heirloom seeds, FREE SEEDS.
We did a little research and sent away for some free seeds to see what we might get. At the same time we decided to make some of our best seeds available to the public for FREE and start a collection of FREE SEED RESOURCES to document where to get free seeds and what kind of seeds are being made available for free.
Remember, If you request some seeds and get some seeds....well O.K. But if you didn't request any seeds....and just got some in the mail that you don't know what they are....I would be careful. We received seeds like this in the mail more than once. We did not plant them as they were not clearly labeled. Postage indicated they were from outside the US. Just Sayin.....
ALT National Park Service SEED PACKS